National Barrel Horse Association of Australia
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Online Nomination Form Help


[To Register]

  1. To access the Online Nomination Form an account is required to be created.
  2. To create an account follow the link on the first page of the Nomination Form to the Registration Page.
  3. Please note all fields are required to create an account.
  4. No personal details from this form will be passed onto third parties.
  5. Press Send to complete.
  6. An email with the details you entered will be sent to the email address specified in the form.


[Submit a Nomination]

To submit a nomination:

  1. Login using your username and password.
  2. Select an event.
  3. Complete the form for the required events.
  4. Click on the calculate button.
  5. Check the details are correct, press Re-calculate again if required.
  6. You can now click on Submit Nomination to nominated for that event.
  7. An email confirming your nominations will be sent to the email address supplied during registration
  8. Payment needs to be completed now by either Direct Deposit or cheque and proof supplied to the Nominations Officer


Nomination Form created by
Copyright © 2015 National Barrel Horse Association of Australia &
All rights reserved.